Publié le 31 Août 2014

The International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) is an inclusive global network of individuals and organizations that work together guided by the IWG’s mission: Empowering women – Advancing sport.

According to the IWG Structure and Member Protocols, the IWG has two chairpersons that serve as the leaders of the IWG and its Secretariat. The chairpersons are expected to represent the IWG, for example at meetings and events, or in print materials. They are responsible for implementing the decisions of the IWG and overseeing the work of the IWG Secretariat. They are entrusted with overseeing the fulfillment of the strategic plan, ensuring that the work of IWG is in agreement with the body’s mission, aims and values, and ensuring that actions taken on IWG’s behalf positively impact its international reputation and overall image. The chairpersons are also entrusted with ad hoc decision‐making in cases where there is no known precedent or procedure or in connection to urgent matters. The two chairpersons propose a clearly defined division of labor and responsibilities, which will be approved by the IWG Members.


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